Sunday, July 3, 2011

Feildtrip 4 - Downtown Fort Myers

Search the internet for New Urbanism, what is it? Does your place fit this description or not?  Why?

New Urbanism is defined by Wikipedia as "an urban design movement, which promotes walkable neighborhoods that contain a range of housing and job types." I felt Downtown Fort Myers definitely had a feeling of walkability. There range of housing varied significantly, I feel any social class would be able to fit it their. While they had basic Pizzerias there was also dockside dining. The jobs varied significantly from city workers, to artist, to realtor agencies. 

Where in the city or urban space makes you feel most comfortable and energized? 

I feel most comfortable sitting on a bench with a friend.  Metaphysically everyone wishes they could pause time but thats impossible (for now). Sitting down on a bench or even the curb for at least five minutes can sometimes be the best way to understand ways of the human race. Take in your surroundings and "People Watch" those unsuspecting bystanders. 

How does the urban landscape make you feel? 
I'm a city kid so I always feel more at home in a modern landscape setting. I was brought up in a highly populated area, and I go to NYC at any chance I get. To me there's a feeling a of completion, and that everything I need is within a few blocks of me. When I'm out of the country I don't have this calmness, I suppose this is part of the modern weakness. This is where my strongest feeling of sense of place exist. 

How much does parking cost? Where is it most expensive?How much of the city space is devoted to vehicles….traffic, parking, service of vehicles compared to space for people to enjoy the city?
Parking cost me $4 dollars in the Fort Myers city parking garage, only because I'm awful at parallel parking. A dollar fifty gets you about an hr on the meters near where I was parked. Before reading this question I never thought about it, but I'd say 50% of the landscape is devoted to traffic, and parking. This number should not be so high. Fort Myers is not that  crowded that parking garages should exist on every block. 

What is the biggest generator of parking need e.g. retailing businesses, service business, or government centers?
I'd say majority of the parking is for visiting traffic, or tourist. The next largest would have to be city workers involved with the courthouse and city maintenance. 

Is there evidence of shared or cooperative parking arrangements between churches and businesses or government entities that use parking at different times? 

Much of the parking is recycled for event parking or use between city workers and visitors. The church parking lots appear to be shared during non-church hours.

What is the current economic lifeblood of the city? 

I'd say the aim is middle class in downtown fort myers. Some of the galleries can be extremely pricey, but the city itself is very old. With only a small portion of the city being renovated the price increase has not changed much since I moved here four years ago. I feel after the city sees a larger renovation we could see a huge spike in prices. 

Where do people who live in the inner city shop for groceries?

Honestly I personally never saw anywhere within the city that sold groceries. 

Are there signs of homelessness, graffiti, and crime in the urban spaces? If so, what indicators provide your evidence? Do you feel comfortable traveling in all parts of the city day or night? Are tourists safe in this urban area? Would you consider living here?

Honestly I did not see any homelessness, graffiti or crime. This is one of the cleanest cities I've ever been to. I feel perfectly safe traveling there anytime of day because it seems fairly safe. I'd say tourist are just as safe, no crime. The city was to small for my liking,I could live there but it wouldn't be my first choice. 

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